Conduction of laboratory works with the use of this software implies collection of data in background mode. Data tables are filled-in automatically and graphs are plotted in real time mode during the laboratory work on the base of the obtained results.
Also, using the software it’s possible to carry out laboratory works in complex, which includes the following stages:
- a theoretical test of the learnt material according to the topic of the work;
- assembling, testing and correcting the circuit of the experiment on the virtual panel of the stand;
- a direct conduction of a laboratory work on the stand.
In case a student does not pass the theoretical test or does not assemble the circuit correctly, they are not allowed to work on the following stage.
Also, for some of the works an option of automatic conduction (controlled by a PC) is provided. The required circuit should be assembled and parameters of the experiment should be set, afterwards all the characteristics of investigated machines are registered in a fully automatic mode.
All versions of laboratory works imply performing the results in the form of tables of values and graphs. It is possible to export tables to the clipboard or to MS Excel application, to copy graphs to the clipboard. The scale of graph display can be varied in manual or automatic mode, rendering parameters (color, line type and line thickness), smoothing, axes position and other parameters can be adjusted.
The software also provides remote control of all nodes of the stand, which allows testing their operability as well as the remote conduction of laboratory works.
During the operation of the stand the software allows duplicating the stand panel on the computer screen. All measured values are displayed in real time mode.